Sample Claim Reports

Employee Listing
This listing show information on the currently covered employees. There is an option to also list the dependants/

Payment Cheque
This is a sample of reimbursement cheque with detailed explanations of covered and not-covered amounts. A similar style is used to pay providers directly, which may list multiple employees.

Wallet Card
This is a summary of the employees benefits. There is a free form area to provide information about your plan and a detailed list of what benefits are covered for each individual employee.

Two Year Claims Summary
This report shows two years of Paid Claims information and averages. Usually provide annually.

Two Year Cost Summary
This report similar to the above report includes all admin and taxes.

Dollar Range Report
This is another annual report used to analysis your plan usage.

Procedure Group Analysis
This is another annual report used to analysis your plan usage.

Claims Monthly Invoice
This is a monthly report with usage and billing information.