Third Party Administration (TPA)

CDCS developed and operates a sophisticated TPA billing system. It can produce a monthly Group Insurance billing report to merge multiple carrier billings into one consolidate invoice thus maintaining a single source database for your employee data. This data can be uploaded to various insurance companies and claims payers or downloaded to your internal systems.

This service allows our clients to receive customizable billing reports for their Group Insurance cost. Most Insurance companies have developed their own invoice and billing systems that are designed to meet their internal accounting and underwriting needs. They codify your employee data based on rate structures they design to best suit how they are going to charge you. Our systems are designed to meet YOUR needs.

We can set various grouping and sub-grouping levels to match the way you run YOUR business. We allow many-to-many relationships to exist in the data for reporting costs and expenses to match your accounting systems. We can customize any employee / employer cost sharing calculations you might have that are different from the normal 50-50 split rules, and provide data down loads of the results.

After all the work we put into creating a reporting system that meets your needs, we used the same attention to detail to provide back end reports in any completely different order and sub-totalling formula that the insurance company behind the scene might want. We can then provide this data to them electronically or in hard copy. We also provide reports to your broker to allow them to monitor your plan, the Insurance companies, and us.